Home > Artworks > Elvira Silvia scattolini

Photo of Elvira Silvia scattolini Argentina

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My name is Silvia Scattolini Elvira was born on 19/07/1952 in Argentimna, I have 56 years, I always liked reading and writing, in fact, I always express xq writing easier for me to speak, and my stuff was always pending drawing and painting why study it now 5 years old in the house Escobar culture where I live and my greatest desire is to publish a book and paintings. Gradually try to go to show That I've painted and...

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My name is Silvia Scattolini Elvira was born on 19/07/1952 in Argentimna, I have 56 years, I always liked reading and writing, in fact, I always express xq writing easier for me to speak, and my stuff was always pending drawing and painting why study it now 5 years old in the house Escobar culture where I live and my greatest desire is to publish a book and paintings. Gradually try to go to show That I've painted and written so far. I say primary will try because I have nothing more and I find it hard to correct my mistakes. I am married, I have three children, a granddaughter and a grandson of my great loves but dicrepemos in many ways. I'm not very adept at computacin I apologize if I make many problems for those trying to see my blog. but also I have two blogs: www.elviss-escribe.blogspot.com www.elviss.artepintura.blogspot.com are on google, if someone wants Usme grateful. ATTE VERY RECEIVABLE IN YOUR BLOGS I AM SO PROUD AS I SEE WONDERFUL THINGS, IS A GREAT HONOR MEMBERSHIP Artel.

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